Our Supporters

Welsh Government
The Welsh Government’s Major Events Unit (MEU) have supported Machynlleth Comedy Festival with funding since 2012. The support provided by the MEU has been integral to our growth and development.
The project has also been funded via the Welsh Government’s Tourism Product Innovation Fund which aims to encourage new innovative product ideas working in partnership which will have a greater impact and attract more visitors.
Visit Wales
Visit Wales have been a major supporter of the Festival since 2012 through the Major Event Unit and Tourism Product Innovation Fund.
BBC Radio Wales
BBC Radio Wales have broadcast from the festival since 2012 and we’re absolutely thrilled to announce a new element to the partnership for 2018 with the naming of our largest Festival venue, The BBC Radio Wales Mach Arena.
Our on-going ties with BBC Radio Wales are very important to us, especially at such an exciting time for comedy in Wales, which is being driven by investment in talent and programming by BBC Wales as a whole.
Creative Wales
We’re thrilled to announce a new partnership with Creative Wales who, through their venue sponsorship of the Tabernacle are looking specifically to enhance the development of Welsh artists at the event, and to help us to continually improve the Festival’s accessibility. We can’t wait to build a long and lasting relationship with them.
Powys County Council
The tourism department of Powys County Council have consistently supported the event with funding since 2012.
BBC Radio 4 Extra
BBC Radio 4 Extra have been recording their weekend Comedy Club from the Festival since 2012. A digital archive of all of this content is available here.